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Infrared tunnel oven

The product name:Infrared tunnel oven
Update time:2017.05.09
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Detailed introduction:


品名型号 Name type




电压 Power source




加热功率 Heating power




温控Temp difference





1-6m/h(变频器及齿轮箱调速 Frequency converter speed regulation and gear box

安全保护 Safeguard

超温保护,电机过载保护 Over temperature protectionMotor overload protection

内尺寸Internal Size









*可选206不锈钢盘和斜拉网烤盘 Optional 206 stainless steel plate and the diagonal net tray

Characteristics of infrared heating drying and drying equipment
1. efficient energy saving: the traditional drying method is divided into the main categories: 1. mechanical water removal; 2. chemical dehumidification method; 3. heating drying method
The heating drying method is the most commonly used drying technology. Infrared drying technology is the use of electromagnetic waves of polar substances, such as water molecules with the special characteristics of the affinity, can more effectively and thoroughly remove material in combination with water so as to achieve more ideal drying requirements, thus greatly improve the latest drying technology of product quality.
The general way of heating, heat conduction from one end of the other end of the heating body to or from the surface of the heated object to its internal gradually conduction, and the heated object will appear uneven heating, the heating process is slow, the efficiency is not high, the effect is not ideal, infrared transmission force, inside and outside at the same time heating, thus heated material can be heated uniformly, so to achieve the desired drying requirements at the same time, to protect and promote the quality required for drying objects.
By heating internally, there is no surface conjunctiva, so it can increase the efficiency by more than 2-5 times, thus saving 2-3 times the energy
2., the production line is short: because the heating drying efficiency is high (regular drying takes a few hours, and this technology only takes a few minutes to complete), which can save space and shorten the production process
3., the equipment is simple: the size of the infrared furnace body is smaller than the traditional hot blast stove, which can save the construction cost and space of the furnace, and the installation and maintenance are simple
4 synchronous control: heating equipment can be controlled simultaneously with the production line, reduce the stop line and the product inside the furnace has been heating and keep the product deformation or blistering. Heating equipment can achieve the heating effect in 1-2 seconds out of thermal radiation, the production line stopped immediately to lift the right also to avoid product heating bad.
The 5 section control, increase the applicability of coating: paint users generally divided into more solvent and solvent. Nitro type, two liquid type, single liquid type paint points. To Sen materials as an example, with two liquid type (PU) single liquid type paint (acrylic paint) is commonly used. The coating formulation by pan paint factory depending on the situation, so the heating equipment should have considerable flexibility, in order to achieve the purpose of drying. The equipment can be divided into three sections according to the temperature control requirements set. Such as: paint coatings must be at a certain temperature for a certain period of time to achieve the purpose of drying. Low, medium and high temperature design is reasonable however, PU is more suitable for coating, paint and coatings if the heating time is not enough, there is no effect. The oven design can eliminate the above shortcomings, and can achieve better results.
6 forced draft device to reduce the risk of residual solvent: the forced draught device to reduce solvent residue, eliminate the factors of gas explosion, the forced exhaust will inevitably lead to greater energy loss of heating. But for the near infrared, has no influence, not only because of the near infrared air heating to heat the workpiece, so the energy the loss is less, add mixing fan to the temperature in the furnace after the upper and lower temperature difference can be reduced to a minimum.
7. clean easy: furnace body design for the author easy to clean the furnace, so that the furnace to maintain a certain degree of cleanliness. In order to reduce dust pollution caused by defective products
8 static short time: infrared heating basically does not need static time (except for the painting), just a little let the film leveling time can be directly drying, conventional drying method, must first standing for the solvent to a certain extent, it can be dried, the longer the static process the greater the chance of contamination, bad products will be more.
9. safety: the open tunnel oven eliminates the safety of the oven closed door in heating gas volatilization
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